Flat Belly Detox

He Sent Me a Text that Transformed My Life Forever
It turns out a lot of his clients were suffering from this almost unknown condition that automatically takes most of the food you eat and stores it as fat on your body instead of using it for energy…
A few days later, I went to see Dr. Travis Bowles and got checked out for myself…
Being over 300 pounds, it was a pretty humiliating experience even just taking my shirt off in front of my doctor…
And after running a handful of tests, he came back in and looked at me straight in the eye…
I could tell how serious he was…
My palms were getting sweaty and I could feel the hair in the back of my neck stand up as I braced myself for the bad news…
He went on to say that my blood sugar was extremely high…
I had an increased risk for heart hypertension…
And worse of all…
I was pre-diabetic.
Which basically meant I was right on the edge of having Type 2 diabetes and if I didn’t change soon…
I’d become diabetic.
And then came the final blow that almost knocked me off my feet…
Dr. Bowles said, “You know Josh, if you don’t change, you may not see your 60th birthday…
You can’t go on like this…
However, I might have figured out WHY your body seems like it’s programed to store fat whenever you eat”
It turns out there’s the one hormone that EVERYONE has called insulin…
And basically, your body produces insulin whenever you eat to help move sugar from the blood into your cells…
Where it can be used for energy.
You see, insulin works like a key…
Unlocking cells to help deliver sugar from the blood.
Every cell in your body has a lock on it’s cell wall, called a receptor [2].
Insulin fits into that lock like a key, allowing sugar to enter the cells to be used for energy.
However, with some people who have 15 or more pounds to lose…
Your pancreas, which releases the insulin, starts to malfunction…
Like an uncontrollable firehose whipping around, spraying gallons of wasted water…
So your body is constantly releasing all this insulin because of this strange hormonal mix up…
And what happens is…
Over time, your cells get immune to the insulin and basically STOP using the hormone altogether…
It’s like the key won’t fit in the lock anymore…
And if it does, it can’t turn.
Over time, your cells become resistant to the insulin because your body is producing so much of it when it shouldn’t be…
And since your body is basically rejecting it…
The insulin ends up in your bloodstream and gets stored around your belly as fat.
Have you ever seen someone who’s in incredible shape eat a big piece of cake, or maybe some ice cream, or a big juicy burger with a plate full of French fries?
They can do that and NOT gain an ounce because their insulin isn’t misfiring every time they take a bite of food…
However, if you ate that same exact meal, you could gain a few pounds almost overnight because of the chaos going on inside with your hidden hormonal glitch…
I couldn’t believe it!
Don’t you just hate the people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a single pound, and yet…
When you decide to enjoy yourself and have some tasty treats, the weight seems to pile up FASTER than ever…
Well, now you know why.

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