Old School New Body

Becky and I can't take all the credit for this system

I wasn't kidding when I said we got lucky and "stumbled" upon this time-saving, youth-enhancing workout plan...one so EASY on your time that anyone can stick to it.
That was the result of being surrounded by the best fitness trainers and athletes who have ever lived, getting to see their methods first-hand, and then picking the brains of the best of the best in order to make Old School, New Body the hottest fitness book on the planet!
You've probably heard the expression, "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, it took a "family" of very seasoned, very practical, and very OLD SCHOOL men and women...people who lived what they preached...to "raise" us up to see the truth:

The best bodies are forged from very short and SAFE workouts. Workouts that are hard work, mind you, but work ANYONE can do at ANY age (we've proven it time and time again.)

The plan is really BABY SIMPLE... yet:

Go it alone, and you will end up
confused and frustrated

We've seen people try and do it on their own without our "users guide" handbook, Old School, New Body.
The results are NOT pretty.
Working out "less" is not all there is to it. People see how easy the F4X Method is, and some assume they can just do it by themselves, without the instructions and specifics that come in the Old School, New Body book.
Well, they end up pretty confused most of the time. That's because the F4X Method is highly specific.
Would you start investing money in the stock market after watching the movie "Wall Street"... and think you knew what you were doing? Of course not. This is no different. When we tell men and women that there are only four exercises, they often dive in and try to GUESS which four...it doesn't work like that.
There are FOUR exercises, but these exercises vary, and ABSOLUTELY MUST be done in a highly targeted, specific, and unique way in order to see the results you desire.

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