What we are offering:
We are offering an exclusive and incredibly easy to follow E-Book This can be accessed instantly online (downloaded) or mailed to you (U.S. mail) on CD-ROM. This excellent E-Book of the Scarsdale Low Carb Diet contains all the information you need for success:
An abundant list of foods and meals you can eatHundreds of delicious MOUTH WATERING recipes are included with the Scarsdale Low Carb Diet! You won't believe how excellent dieting foods can be. Recipes for breakfast, lunches, dinners, snacks, and desserts.
Methods of incredibly fast weight loss (30 pounds a month!)The one and only NON-BULL 30 pounds a month weight loss plan! Many diets offer this result, however the difference between theirs and ours is two things. 1)Theirs is either a water loss or 2)The diet Hi-Jacks your metabolism which will temporarily cause fat loss, only then after 30 days the diet no longer works as your metabolism becomes accustomed to the change. Our 30 pounds a month is 100% guaranteed to BURN FAT, and if you continue to follow the plan, you will keep BURNING MORE FAT! We are here to give youhonest top-of-the-line results! The Scarsdale Low Carb Diet exclusively offers this MEGA FAT burning plan to you!
Methods of gradual weight lossIf you are almost completely undisciplined and/or have a hard time resisting temptation, then The Scarsdale Low Carb diet also offers this plan method ofweight loss for you! You WILL lose 15-20 pounds a month! Guaranteed! There are so many delicious foods offered with this plan that temptation isn't even an issue. (Ex: Want a chocolate chip cookie? How about a piece of delicious low-carb chocolate cake instead!)
Methods of weight sustainmentToss any diet that does not offer you a method to sustain your weight. Nobody wants to work hard losing weight only to gain it back. The Scarsdale Low Carb Diet offers a permanent solution to any weight problem. If you have ever lost weight on diets in the past and once off the diet you gained it all back, you know the miserable feeling of failure... The Scarsdale Low Carb diet will permanently maintain your ideal weight forever!
Full diet plan for any age, weight, shape or health!From 18 to 85, slightly heavy to obese, athletic or not, you will lose weight. Period!
Full diet plan for any age, weight, shape or health!From 18 to 85, slightly heavy to obese, athletic or not, you will lose weight. Period!
Incredible ideas for brown bag lunchesThe Scarsdale Low Carb diet offers hundreds of excellent foods that you can pack for lunches. Never feel tempted again. Our brown bag lunches are the excellence of low carb dieting. Simply Delicious!
Awesome fast food diet menu
Thats right! We will give you a list of low carb fast food items you can eat! (From major coast to coast fast food restaurants)
Thats right! We will give you a list of low carb fast food items you can eat! (From major coast to coast fast food restaurants)
Incredibly easy exercises and methods to jump start your energy
Feeling tired? Down and out? Well get ready for a new lifestyle. Your energy will soar beyond that of which you had in your teens!
Feeling tired? Down and out? Well get ready for a new lifestyle. Your energy will soar beyond that of which you had in your teens!
As a bonus to the Scarsdale Low Carb Diet we have included an exercise section written by a veteran personal trainer! These exercises are for everyone from the couch potato all the way to a pro athlete! We have the right exercises for you.
Access to our huge database of mouth watering recipes AS a SECOND BONUS to the Scarsdale Low Carb Diet, we are offering you access to a tremendous database of recipes! These delicious low carb recipes will make you feel like you are not even on a diet! Some of these recipes are from world famous chefs! ($80 plates!) Whether you want Steak, Poultry, Fish, Muffins, Cake, BBQ, Candy: WE HAVE ALL THE RECIPES YOU NEED!
Lifetime website membership access including free updatesThis is an advantage to an E-Book - It's a book that has the ability to update itself! Yes that's right! While you're online, open our e-book. It will update sections of the diet automatically. More and More Recipes!
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